I got the old engine out in an hour, the new one took me almost 2 days to get back in and running due to lots of little niggles and changes from the F2. I gave it a complete service, only 2 of the valve shims needed adjusting. I took it to the dyno at Steve Jordan's today so he could check it out and after some fiddling with the jets it makes 89bhp, only 4-5 less than my best run on the big bore kit. Only 3 less than the last run with the F2 637cc. Not bad for £250, taking my old one apart and putting it back together without changing anything wouldn't have cost much less than that.
So far I'm pretty pleased, now I need to check the oil pressure and hope the gearbox works as well at brands as on the dyno as that's the last unknown.
It's not all great news, my rev counter has stopped working at high RPM, though my Shift-lights seem to now work. I'm a bit worried I broke the rev counter when I powered it up backwards. My pump controller was also a disaster. I simplified the code so it would run flat out as it kept crashing, but the pump still kept cutting out when I got above 64C..which was very weird as I wasn't even reading the temperature sender. I'm not sure if I was getting interference or overheating the controller. I'll switch back to the mechanical pump for Brands.
Phill, just posted a message in thunderbike forum , but the homepage has been hacked but you can visit the forum still, you can share a garage with us , there will be 5 of us, bit of a squeeze but will be fine.
ReplyDeleteHi phil, there is space available now in garage 13, But I see now your in 16. You can come over if you like!